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Προβολή νέων


6th International Summer School on “Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies, Organic Electronics & Nanomedicine”


6th International Summer School on “Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies, Organic Electronics & Nanomedicine” (ISSON12)


                                                                   30 June - 7 July 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece

The 6th International Summer Schools on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies: Organic Electronics & Nanomedicine (ISSON12) will take at 30 June - 7 July 2012, in Thessaloniki, Greece (http://nnconf.physics.auth.gr/isson.html)

ISSON12 will give the opportunity to young researchers and early-career scientists and engineers to participate in a series of lectures on the emerging fields of Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies. Top class Experts from Universities, Research Institutions and  Industry worldwide will share their knowledge and experience in the format of lecture presentations.

ISSON12 is divided in three complementary schools that cover the significant areas in the N&N field:
School No1: Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies
School No2: Organic Electronics
School No3: NanoMedicine

Why ISSON12 is divided into 3 Schools?
The lectures will review the current trends and knowledge in the fields of NN in general (mainly in School 1) and in parallel focus in two main Application areas, the OΕ (School 2) and NΜ (School 3). Furthermore state-of-the-art techniques,  as well as a demonstration-tour in the laboratory facilities for developing and characterizing nanoscale materials will also  be included. Generally, the ISSON program will be comprised by plenary and parallel sessions in order for the ISSON students  to fix-and-attend lectures according to their preference.

A Tentative List of the ISSON12 Lecturers can be found in the following LINK.

What are the ADVANTAGES of participating in these Schools?

  •     Interact with exceptional scientists and engineers from various fields and organizations
  •     Experience what 'interdisciplinarity' means in N&N
  •     Understand the ‘From Theory to Practice’ process
  •     Have the opportunity to show research work as poster presentations
  •     Be eligible to compete for a Poster Award in the selected Conference
  •     Discuss research work face-to-face with experienced researchers
  •     Learn how to be open to new ideas, be creative and how to implement them
  •     Enhance professional networks for future career opportunities
  •     Promote organization and research group
  •     Get confidence at an international scientific event with an informal and relaxed atmosphere
  •     Solve problems related with research work
  •     Seek advice on publishing and unpublished research results

              and ............

  •     Meet interesting people from all around the world
  •     Enjoy a worthwhile social program at the end of every day
  •     Go around Thessaloniki and Halkidiki, the best resort in Greece!

ARE YOU REGISTERED FOR THE ISSON12? ONLY 10 days left for theEarly Registration offer (May 1) to register to NN12 and/or ISSON12!
Check out also the other registration option(s) combining all the different events of NANOTEXNOLOGY 2012!
Accommodation: Only for ISSON participants there are
Special Offers in a range of quality Hotels at Thessaloniki City Centre!

Entertainment Part of the ISSON12 Summer Schools
- Social & Cultural Program: A worthwhile and exciting social program(Welcome Reception and Official Dinner) after a full day conference!

Check some interesting facts and general information at About Thessaloniki!

NANOTEXNOLOGY 2012 includes also the following well-established events:

For more information, please visit: http://www.nanotexnology.com

Looking forward to see you in Thessaloniki at July 2012 in ISSON12.


Best Regards

Stergios Logothetidis

ISSON12 Chairman